Attack of the Beast
"Words really cannot accurately describe just how
ridiculous these attack scenes are. They are just an
absurd orgy of total chaos with actors screaming and
thrashing about with a bunch of toy dolls. You
simply have to see it to believe it." (horrorchannel.com) |
Blood Freak
"Any movie this ridiculous, amateurish, and just
plain awful is well worth viewing. It's the only
movie I know that combines a Christian anti-drug
message with a staggeringly inept monster movie
script." (fright.com) |
Blood Red Planet
"The finished product is only "watchable" in the
broadest possible sense: Yes, if I put it in my VCR,
my eyes can see it. But the fact that they would
show this to people outside their immediate circle
of friends is just plain embarrassing." (coldfusionvideo.com) |
That Wouldn't Die, The
"On the surface it appears to be nothing more than a
cheesy, sleazy 1960s b-movie, but Brain shows a
shameless and deranged imagination that pushes it
into the realm of the genuinely strange." (366weirdmovies.com) |
The Tortured Crossing
"I appreciate that Neil puts himself out there time
after time despite the vitriol from the internet,
he's an authentic artist and something of a savant
and he never lets lack of funding, materials or
proper distribution stop him." (youtube.com) |
Curse of the Screaming
"Very few films are this poorly acted, this ineptly
filmed, or this incoherently plotted. We might not
be in "worst movie ever made" territory, but we're
not very far from the border. However, unlike Night
of Horror, this film actually does have a plot." (agonybooth.com) |
"One of the few films genuinely capable of
inflicting simultaneous brain damage and pure
ecstasy in its audience, this lunatic action film
was self-distributed by its director, Persian emigre
John S. Rad." (mondo-digital.com) |
Bed: The Bed That Eats
"Completed in 1977, this 'forgotten horror classic'
was never officially released. Legend has it that
director George Barry had no idea anyone had even
seen the picture until he Googled himself and found
a bunch of websites raving about it." (coilhouse.net) |
Dracula 3000
"The sets look like they're made of painted
television boxes, the acting is consistently
atrocious, the special effects are woefully
amateurish (that's me being nice), the entire
concept is riddled with retardation from the very
start." (efilmcritic.com) |
& Dragons
"Jeremy Irons seemed to realize what junk he was in,
and had a grand ol' time hamming up, over acting,
and becoming the best performance in the film. His
sorcerer gone mad in his lust for power and dragon
control is fun to watch, hilarious at times." (tarstarkas.net) |
"This is not a film that really need be seen by
human beings for any of the usual reasons, but it
does serve a useful purpose in that it provides a
standard against which all other things can be
measured and valued." (cornponeflicks.org) |
Feeders 2: Slay Bells
"This film serves to illustrate just why it is
absurd to go flagrantly labeling films the worst
ever in a haphazard, willy-nilly fashion. There is
always a lower depth to which you can sink, but this
film really challenges that notion within an inch of
its life." (cornponeflicks.org) |
Fight of
"Shuny Bee’s attempt at a Bruce-politation like film
is definitely one for the curious, but this vanity
project has its moments of unintentional laughs
despite a serious story and some 80’s throwback
action." (worldfilmgeek.com) |
Got Fingered
"Freddie Got Fingered is awkward, uncomfortable and
terrible, but at the same time it's hilarious to
where I laugh and I can't breathe. The vibe I get
from the movie is: A man who lost a bet is forced to
do a Hollywood movie, and he does not want to." (redlettermedia.com) |
Future War
"You'll be hard pressed to find a movie with so many
unintentional laughs. It's like every scene has at
least one thing that either doesn't make sense, or
is just so incredibly stupid that it doesn't seem
true." (sites.google.com) |
"The vanity project bears all the tell-tale signs of
a wannabe actor so frustrated with years of
rejection that he vowed to "show them all" every
drop of his untapped potential." (flickattack.com) |
Hawk the
"Hawk The Slayer is your typical early 80's sword
'n' sorcery goofiness with the only real difference
between this and many of its ilk the fact that it
managed to get Oscar winning actor Jack Palance to
co-star as the movie's evil baddie Voltan." (thevideograveyard.com) |
Against the Moon Men
"It's a bit clumsy looking, as you can often expect
from an Italian genre movie like this one. In it's
era many movies like this got made and you can say
that the Italians sort of founded the genre in the
'50's." (bobafett1138.sealteam1138.com) |
I Bought
a Vampire Motorcycle
"Cheap and cheerful on every level, I Bought a
Vampire Motorcycle is full of bargain basement gore,
cheeky cockney thrills and bikers galore. If you're
a fan of classic bikes you'll cringe at the
vehicular abuse but there is plenty to enjoy." (digital-retribution.com) |
Jack and
"There was no effort put into any part of the
production whatsoever aside from obtaining product
placement revenue. If you haven't watched Jack and
Jill, I strongly recommend you do so. It's such an
overtly fraudulent production that it will change
the way you think about movie production." (reddit.com) |
Kong Escapes
"But the clashes between these rather sad creatures
are as well choreographed as anything in Toho's more
reputable contemporary monster films, and the
climactic duel between the two Kongs as they scale
Tokyo Tower is honestly fairly exciting." (1000misspenthours.com) |
"Comedies are about problems arising where things
usually go smoothly. Because there is a huge gap
between the real world and what is depicted in the
film, Mr. Boogie comes off not funny, but awkward
and grotesque." (sonderland.org) |
"The action scenes are so vivid, so creative, so
fucking crazy it's amazing to watch. Using a lof
steadicam and twisted angles, slow-mo and gorgeous
wide shots of the mayhem, this is still stands out
as one of the best in the genre." (fredanderson.typepad.com) |
Night of Horror
"Campers talk to Confederate ghosts. That's it.
Literally, that's the whole movie. Now imagine these
five words stretched out to fill more than seventy
minutes without any embellishment whatsoever, and
you have Night of Horror." (agonybooth.com) |
"I think the first time through we were just
shell-shocked. I have no idea what this movie is
about. It's the epitome of what makes a good bad
movie and we encourage everyone to get their copy of
Partners." (redlettermedia.com) |
Planet, The
"It's a goofy old film with dreadful acting, though
now & then it is almost dramatic, especially an
early sequence when an astronaut murmuring biblical
verses sacrifices his life so that his co-pilot
might live." (weirdwildrealm.com) |
Plan 9
from Outer Space
"Wood stands out, even among his peers, because he
imbued his films with his own personality. Even in
his later films, when his energy had been zapped by
one personal defeat after another, there is still no
mistaking Wood's hand in the recipe." (366weirdmovies.com) |
"Wow. This film actually exists outside the realm of
any kind of normal film evaluation as Raw Force
smashes together every single exploitation element
that could be sold at drive-ins in the early '80s."
(mondo-digital.com) |
Robo Vampire
"Well, it would be wrong to call it two bad movies
spliced together shoddily, because it's actually two
half movies spliced together shoddily. Neither
benefit from the fusion, but they wouldn't stay
coherent on their own either." (encyclopedia-obscura.com) |
"It's hard to believe so much could go so completely
awry in a movie that isn't even 70 minutes long. On
the technical front - acting, continuity, sets,
special effects, etc. - there is almost literally
nothing about Robot Monster that does work." (1000misspenthours.com) |
Claus Conquers the Martians
"Everything from the cardboard robot to the
cardboard South Pole to the cardboard cast to the
painfully catchy theme song "Hooray for Santy Claus"
simply demands that you watch this film at least
once." (unobtainium13.com) |
Girls From Beyond Infinity
"Still, director Ken Dixon and his crew do a good
job at not taking any of this too seriously, and
Slave Girls benefits much from its wink/nudge
B-movie aspirations, in that in never really
attempts to be anything but silly and farcical in
nature." (10kbullets.com) |
"This is a tremendously goofy movie. However, if you
love cheap badness, or just enjoy sasquatch-related
entertainment, you're definitely in the right
place." (moviefeast.blogspot.com) |
and the T-Rex
"Go into Tammy and the T-Rex expecting dumb fun of
the highest order, and you should have a blast. It's
unapologetic in its 1990s sensibilities of ribald
and off-color humor" (ghastlygrinning.com) |
in Beverly Hills
"In the end, Terror in Beverly Hills is a ton of
silly and absurd fun, and despite its limited
resources, it is vastly better than The Taking of
Beverly Hills (1991). If you only see one movie
where something bad happens to Beverly Hills, see
this one." (comeuppancereviews.net) |
Trapped in the Closet
"A work of unadulterated, if perhaps unintentional,
genius. What begins as a stereotypical melodrama
quickly escalates into an epic farce which gleefully
subverts our conception of what is possible and
impossible." (Amazon user review) |
Twisted Pair
"I have just completed TWISTED .....it is all DONE
!!!! The editing , post production, special effects
, music ,.....it's ALL DONE !!!! Very different than
my past 4 films . BIGGER ,BETTER , ACTION, UNIQUE
!!!" (twitter.com) |
"Wicked World is one of the strangest passion
project films you're ever likely to see. It's bleak,
nihilistic and twisted but so too is it so
completely off the wall that you can't help but get
wrapped up in all of it." (mondo-digital.com) |
Wild World of Batwoman,
"I think I've found the worst intentional comedy
ever put on film, as well as the worst superhero
movie ever. Come with me on my journey into the
heart of darkness, better known as the world of
Jerry Warren." (agonybooth.com) |
"I cannot say enough good things about Wish Upon. It
is up there with The Room, Troll 2, it is up there
with the best b-movies of all time. It is that bad
and that fascinating in how incompetent and horribly
executed and ill-advised it is." (redlettermedia.com) |
Zombie '90: Extreme
"It's not clear who dubbed the movie. It is clear
that this person had no script, usually paid no
attention to what was happening onscreen, and maybe
fell asleep a few times. A generic, no-budget zombie
movie is mutated into a non-stop pleasuredome." (bleedingskull.com) |